Islington Council's people friendly streets consultations offer a great opportunity for Islington's residents to tell the council how the changes in the borough have enabled them to choose active travel (walking, cycling and wheeling) over sedentary car journeys.

As a Doctor working in the NHS I fully support the people friendly streets already implemented as well as the planned "Liveable Neighbourhoods" for Barnsbury and other wards.

If I have a consultation with a particularly invigorated elder patient I always ask them what their secret is. Invariably they will say that they stay active. For example, "take a long walk every day" or "take dance classes with my husband". These interactions remind me of the importance of our neighbourhoods being designed to encourage us to stay out of our cars and stay active so that we can all enjoy, a long and healthy life.

Yours faithfully,

Dr R, N1

Published in Islington Tribune 13 November 2021