About you (including us)

About you (including us)

We are over 450 households living in over 60 streets in Barnsbury and St Mary's who are concerned about the rising levels of traffic coming through these wards. We are pedestrians, car drivers and cyclists from a wide range of occupations, backgrounds and ethnicities, and are local authority residents, private renters and homeowners.

Our mission is to make public the huge support that exists for the Council's implementation of People Friendly Streets in Barnsbury and St Mary's.

Our roads are increasingly being used as cut-throughs from Caledonian Road to Essex Road and from Angel to Highbury & Islington. The volume of motor traffic is set to increase significantly as the Covid-19 lockdown eases. Despite a number of schools, the volume of traffic prevents many children from taking part in active travel (walking and cycling) independently.

We are asking Islington Council and local councillors urgently to explore and implement improvements in our streets and address our concerns.

Neighbourhood groups have sprung up all over Islington, registering the same frustration at the levels of traffic. St Peter's was the first with a website and a survey. Canonbury residents have their website here: Canonbury website. And there are many other community groups in Islington, all with similar or overlapping concerns.

Are you itching to be involved? Email us on barnsburystmarys@gmail.com. Do you just want to be kept up to date? Subscribe and get the latest posts delivered right to your inbox.

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Low Traffic Barnsbury & St Mary's